Requisite Talent©

People, with few exceptions, seek to work to their full potential. This desire constitutes a prime individual value that is converted into individual effectiveness and delivery of expected outputs.


The development of a company’s human resource is commonly recognised as a major area of concern, especially with high competition for talent impacting companies around the globe. The methods typically used for judging people’s potential are observed to be unreliable, and thus are ineffective in retaining and developing existing employees’ talent as intended. The matching of people to future roles is at best uncertain for local appointments and extremely uncertain when transfers from one country to another are at stake.

The goal of any human resource development process must be to overcome these problems and to ensure not only that a company will have the right people to fill established roles currently, and in the future, but also that employees will have an opportunity for careers that enable them to utilize their full potential capability, enhancing their commitment to the company over the long-term.

Objective of Requisite Talent©:

Form, analyse and develop talent pool for any critical role in a company to ensure available capable people to deliver the work on an ongoing basis.

Key Definitions of Requisite Talent©:

  • Talent is a capability to perform the work of certain complexity.
  • Talent Pool Development (TPD): A system for the development of a population of employees who have a distribution of current and future potential capability to discharge the company’s current and future human resourcing requirements. The system includes talent pool mapping, selection, recruitment, mentoring, lateral transfers and other methods of individual career development.
  • Current Applied Capability (CAC): The capability someone has to do a certain kind of work in a specific role at a given level at the present time.
  • Current Potential Capability (CPC): The maximum level at which someone could work at the present time, given the opportunity to do so and provided that the work is of value to him/her, and given the opportunity to acquire the necessary skilled knowledge. This level of work is the level that people aspire to have and feel satisfied if they can get. When people have work at their CPC, they feel they have an opportunity for the full expression of their capability.
  • Future Potential Capability (FPC): The maximum level at which a person will be capable of working at some time in the future, say at 5, 10, or 15 years from now.
  • Capability Maturation: A process in which a person’s innate information processing complexity matures in a predictable way over time.

Framework of Requisite Talent©:

Critical roles are the roles that meet the following triple criteria of criticality:

  • Belong to a business function that is critical for achievement of the company’s strategy and strategic objectives.
  • Essential for the achievement of the critical business function’s strategic plans and objectives.
  • Dependent on the capability of the role holder (skills, knowledge, experience, qualifications, etc.)
  • Level of work complexity in a critical role.
  • Level of capability to match the level of work complexity in a critical role.
  • Competency mapping for a critical role (task analysis, skilled knowledge, experience, qualifications, required behaviours, values, etc.)
  • Career paths that lead to critical roles.
    • Career path identification (selection of construction method).
    • Career moves (lateral moves, temporary assignments, moves back, vertical moves, exits).
    • Career path design (components, attributes and outcomes).
    • Career path guide and communication.
  • Role Profiling for Career path roles.
    • Level of work complexity in career path roles.
    • Level of capability required to deliver effectively the work complexity in career path roles.
    • Competency mapping for career path roles (critical tasks, skilled knowledge, experience, qualifications, required behaviors, values, etc.)
  • Role holders in career path roles is the basis for critical role’s talent pool development – talent pool candidates.
  • Capability assessment for role holder in critical path roles.
    • Current applied capability of role holders in career path roles (gaps in skilled knowledge, experience, qualifications, values and commitments, required behaviours).
    • Current potential capability of role holders in career path roles.
    • Future potential capability (mode) of role holders in career path roles.
  • Capability assessment tools and process (CIP, managerial gearing, computerised decison-making simulation, etc.)
  • Capability Maturation of role holders in career path roles.
    • Progression through the levels of work complexity.
    • Time (years) to mature for progression into next level / next career path role.
    • Time (years) to mature for progression into the level of work complexity for critical role.
  • Requisite Talent© Passport for role holders in career path roles.
  • Talent pool candidates:
    • Map number of years talent pool candidates will need to mature into the level of work complexity of a critical role.
  • Talent pool members:
    • Talent pool candidates who have potential to mature into the level of work complexity of a critical role.
  • Talent pool gaps:
    • Absence of talent pool members who will likely mature into the work complexity of a critical role within 1 year.
    • Number of years before the first talent pool member will likely mature into the level of work complexity of a critical role.
  • Regular Talent Pool Management Cycle:
    • Eastablish SOP, accountabilities & authorities, frequency, templates, process quality audit, etc.
    • Training HR specialists, line managers.
  • Talent Pool Member Development:
    • Every talent pool member has a Manager-once-Removeed who is actively mentoring and facilitating the development of the talent pool members in their function.
    • Mentoring is performed on a regular basis.
    • Mentor facilitates the development of career development plan for a talent pool member.
    • Individual Development Plans are in place for every talent pool member to develop the competencies require for career development.
    • Monitoring execution of career plans and individual development plans.
  • Talent Pool Development:
    • Human Resourcing Plan that matches the number of years with gaps.
    • Human Resourcing activities to remove the gaps in the talent pool (recruitment, lateral transfer, expatriate recruitment, outsourcing, role restructuring, etc.)
Interested to know more about Requisite Talent©?

Workshop on Requisite Talent©

  • For companies who are interested developing talent pools for critical roles.
  • For companies who are interested in evaluating the effectiveness of their existing talent management and talent pools.
  • Managers are interested in developing the talent pools for the units they are accountable for.
  • Managers at various levels.
  • HR / OE managers accountable for supporting line managers in the process of talent management.
  • Explain the requisite principles behind Requisite Talent©.
  • Educate attendees on the requisite talent management process.
  • Support self-assessment of existing talent management process to identify the gaps.
  • Evaluate existing talent pool management.
  • Develop the plan to improve talent identification and talent pool management.
  • 3-day workshop.
  • Talent Management procedure, if exists.
  • Capability / potential assessment tools, if exists.
  • Talent Pool, if mapped.
  • ROII’s advisors with experience in RO implementation worldwide.
  • Moderators with years of managerial experience.
  • At your premises.
  • At our premises or premises of our partners across the globe (UK, Sweden, USA, Australia, Canada, South America, Moscow, etc.).
Interested in effective talent management?

Requisite Talent© Assessment

  • Critical roles are identified.
  • Talent pool candidates are identified for critical roles.
  • Talent pools are formed for critical roles.
  • Talent pool gaps are identified, and human resource plans are developed to remove the gaps.
  • Talent pool members are identified for critical roles.
  • Managers-once-Removed of critical roles are identified.
  • Career plans and individual development plans are developed and monitored for every talent pool member.
  • Development of mentoring accountability and tools is provided to identified MoRs.
  • Select critical roles for which talent pools to be developed.
  • Up to 4 weeks (depends on the scope, critical role complexity).
  • 1-2 experienced Requisite Advisors (depends on the scope).
  • 2 internal HR / OE specialist for talent management.
  • Role Criticality Assessment.
  • Work Complexity Assessment.
  • Competency mapping / profiling.
  • Capability assessment tools (CIP, gearing, computerised decision-making simulation, etc.)
  • Requisite Talent Passport.
  • Talent Pool Analysis.
  • Mentoring process.
  • Career Plan template.
  • Individual Development Plan template.