Requisite Fit©

Any organization is human judgement system where people are paid to exercise judgement and making decisions they are capable of.


Two discoveries made by Dr Elliott Jaques form the foundation of Requisite Organization:

  • a breakthrough discovery of the time-span of discretion measurement which is used to precisely measure the complexity of work in a role and identifies the distinctly different levels of work complexity in an organisation.
  • an objective scientific process for testing and measuring human capability by identifying that an individual’s capability to resolve increasingly complex problems matures through life,is predictable, and coincides with the distinctly different levels of work complexity found in employment organizations from the CEO to the shop floor.

Dr Elliott Jaques confirmed that the most critical condition for any employee’s effectiveness is the fit between the complexity of the role an employee is assigned into and the capability of the employee — requisite fit.

If the role is requisitely unfit (mismatch between complexity of work and capability of the role holder), there is a high probability of ineffective work performance and individual ineffectiveness in a role, leading to unitended consequences for the business and for the individual.

Objective of Requisite Fit©:

Ensure the fit between the level of work complexity and level of individual capability of a role holder for every role in the organisation.

Key Definitions of Requisite Fit©:

  • Role: A position in a social system, such as an employment system in a company.
  • Role Complexity: The complexity in a role as measured by time-span of discretion assigned to the role.
  • Time-Span of Discretion (T/S): The time-span of discretion is the targeted completion time of the longest task or task sequence in a role. Time-span of discretion measures the level of work complexity in a role.
  • Level of Work (LoW) in Role: The weight of responsibility felt in roles as a result of the complexity of the work in the role. The level of work in any role can be measured by the time-span of discretion of the tasks in that role.
  • Capability: Ability of a person to do a work of certain complexity.
  • Requisite Fit: Level of Work complexity in a role is matched with Level of Capability of a role holder.
Level of Work Complexity in a Role matches Level of Capability of a role holder.
  • Absence of information overload.
  • Effective decision making.
  • Job satisfaction and engagement.
  • High retention.
Level of Work Complexity in a Role is higher than Level of Capability of a role holder.
  • Information overload in terms of scope of information is too complex/conceptual.
  • Simplified and ineffective decision making.
  • Low Job Satisfaction and engagement.
  • Low retention.
  • Burnout.
Level of Work Complexity in a Role is lower than Level of Capability of a role holder.
  • Information overload in terms of volume of detail is frustrating/not interesting.
  • Complicated and ineffective decision making.
  • Low Job Satisfaction.
  • Low retention.
  • Boreout.
Interested to know how fit the roles are in your company / function / unit / section?

Practical Workshop on Requisite Fit©

  • Companies or managers who are interested in understanding how fit the roles in the organisations they are accountable for and how an absence of requisite fit impacts the individual effectiveness of their employees.
  • Line managers.
  • HR managers and/or Organisational Design Specialists.
  • Risk Managers (interested in people risk of their organisations).
  • Understand the principles behind Requisite Fit©.
  • Train attendees on how to measure the level of work complexity of any role.
  • Train attendees on how to measure the level of capability of a role holder.
  • Select units / roles and preform the measurement of complexity and capability in practices.
  • Analyse Requisite Fit for roles measured.
  • Identify further actions to measure and improve Requisite Fit© for the roles in the company.
  • 5-working days.
  • Day 1 — Theoretical training on principles and learning of the measurement tools
    • Dr Elliott Jaques.
    • Requisite Organization.
    • Requisite Fit©.
    • Work Complexity (task complexity, role complexity, time-span, level of work, decision complexity, etc.)
    • Individual Capability (current applied capability, current potential capability, future potential capability).
    • Importance and Application of Requisite Fit©.
  • Day 2, 3, 4 — Practical training with support from Requisite advisors.
  • Day 5 — Requisite Fit© analysis, conclusions, discussions, additional theoretical learning, further actions planning.
  • Selected units / sections and roles for Requisite Fit© assessment.
  • Role descriptions for the roles.
  • Procedures for an assessment of work complexity, if exists.
  • Work complexity for the roles selected for Requisite Fit©, if exists.
  • Procedures for an assessment of individual capability, if exists.
  • Individual capability assessment for the roles selected for Requisite Fit©, if exists.
  • ROII’s advisors with experience in RO implementation worldwide.
  • Experienced moderators.
  • At your premises, close to the units selected for Requisite Fit© assessment.